
LVSC and United Way UK

London Voluntary Service Council (LVSC) and United Way UK are changing the model of their partnership from January 15th 2016.

The new arrangement will see LVSC return to its own branding, and United Way UK as the only licensed United Way in the city. This will allow both organisations to focus on their own primary visions, while still providing a bridge between the businesses and communities of the city.


LVSC became a United Way in 2013; since then, the charitable sector, the city and both organisations have changed in terms of needs and capacity. The new approach was decided mutually, and is driven by the desire of LVSC and United Way to benefit the communities of London in the most efficient and direct way possible.


There will be continued collaboration and a sharing of knowledge. This will be facilitated by the chair of LVSC, Paul Butler, maintaining his seat on the board of United Way UK to inform the national United Way strategy, while providing insight into the city and, specifically, the work of LVSC. LVSC will also (continue to) be eligible to apply for funding from United Way (where community led projects are a priority) to carry out community led projects.


Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services (LCVS) will remain a member of the United Way network, and there is no intention for this partnership to change its form.