
Your Voice Your City

Supporting Communities, Sharing Knowledge, Shaping Policy

The Your Voice, Your City programme plays a vital role in ensuring that voluntary and community organisations in London have the skills, knowledge and expertise to engage with and influence policy makers and funders and by doing so enabling them to deliver more effective services. We have built up strong relationships and ties with organisations from across all London boroughs, ranging from small residents associations to pan London VCS organisations to statutory bodies. We bring a unique cross sector perspective to our work enabling constructive dialogue across communities, sectors and boroughs.

We have developed activities and resources which are of real benefit to these organisations and their users and our programme is set within the context of the current economic and policy climate where organisations find they have far fewer resources but much greater demand for their services. Our programme combines the use of online resources, social media and events to provide the necessary information, resources and networking opportunities to enable community and voluntary sector to have the capacity to have a significant influence on policy and decisions makers and develop more sustainable services.

The programme focuses on five key areas which we believe are priorities for community and voluntary sector organisations in London.

  • The policy direction of the new Mayoral administration, building key contacts, facilitating links between voluntary and community organisations and key policy officers/mayoral advisers and building networks to disseminate information

Delivered through How London Works, consultation events, online resources

  • The need for community and voluntary organisations to find funding and resources to enable them to use the governments focus on Localism in health, education and planning to improve services in their local areas. Whilst funding is essential there is also a need to identify in kind resources where possible e.g. expert technical advice etc

Delivered through our seminars and online resources

  • The growing interest in the opportunity for community organisations to be able to have greater control and influence over planning policy in their areas through the development of Neighbourhood Plans

Delivered through our capability sessions

  • To enable community and voluntary sector organisations to influence national policy development and ensure that views of Londoners are taken into consideration

Delivered through our consultation events and online resources

  • Continue to support community networks such as CDNL and Just Space

Visit Your Voice, Your City's website