

This page contains case studies that demonstrate good practice and other information and resources that might be useful to the voluntary & community sector (VCS) when developing and/or improving upon their carbon reduction activities.


Energy advice, winter warmth, housing, climate change and sustainability

LVSC compiled a spreadsheet containing contacts for energy advice (including winter warmth), housing  and sustainability the London boroughs. Most are local authority contacts but the list also contains a number of voluntary & community sector services. More information can also be found from the London Fule Poverty Hub (link in the spreadsheet). This is not intended to be a complete list. If you know of other contacts that should be added, please contact Sandra van der Feen:

Energy local borough contact list



Resources and tools from LVSC & partners' training programme May 2013 - March 2014

LVSC has published  a range of tools and resources that have emerged from its training programme with Community Environment Associates (CEA), London Community Resource Network (LCRN) and Energise London.

You can find more resources on the Climate Change Leaders' training & events page

Following the first training session held by CEA in June, a summary briefing for LVSC on fuel poverty, health and wellbeing was produced

Fuel poverty, health and wellbeing briefing


Environmental impact measurement tools

In 2010, The Third Sector Research Centre produced a briefing paper on mainstreaming the Environment?: The Third Sector & Environmental Performance Management, which contains a number of environmental impact meaurement tools. LVSC has condensed the tools into an accessible spreadsheet with links to relevant websites.

Environmental impact measurement tools


Diagram of climate change impacts on London


LVSC recently produced a radial diagram that provides an overview of some of the key impacts of climate change on London. It shows the effects on the environment, population and industry. The diagram is complemented by a document which provides additional effects of global warming on London. The document demonstrates that urgent actions are required. Therefore, LVSC is calling upon its partners, policy makers, the statutory, private and voluntary & community sector to work together to bring about positive change and reduce our carbon footprint.

Climate change impacts diagram

Climate change impacts summary


Case studies

A case study report that demonstrates the benefits of improving your environmental performance!

LVSC and its partners recently collected 4 case studies that demonstrate the benefits of improving environmental performance within VCS organisations and the organisations they support. LVSC has summarised the benefits, barriers and savings made in a short report.

Case studies findings report


The 4 individual case studies:

Arcola Theatre


Homeless Link



Eco audit reports


How can eco audits save your organisation money?

LVSC produced a brief paper that summarises the barriers and benefits of improving environmental performance and carrying out eco audits. It includes examples of savings made by VCS organisations.

Benefits of eco audits


See our Eco audits page for more information


Challlenges & Opportunities

Key environmental challenges for the VCS

LVSC recently produced a short document summarising some of the key challenges and opportunities for the voluntary & community sector (VCS) regarding climate change. It also outlines how LVSC and its partners intend to address these issues.

Low Carbon London key challenges


Links to resources & publications

London Sustainability Exchange's new Charity Green Challenge resource
designed to help organisations go green and inspire the people and communities they work with to do the same.

London Funders has useful details on websites, publication and resources on their climate change & the environment page

?NCVO:  How will climate change affect your organisation, your cause, your work

Carbon Trust: Help your organisation's employees play a part in achieving your low-carbon ambitions with our interactive online tool. Behaviour Change and Energy Use

Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC): Behaviour Change and Energy Use

City of London: What individuals can do to tackle climate change

South West London Environment Network: Green Tips

Homelessless Link has a list of links to climate change resources including my 10:10 which helps you to calculate your carbon foot print and that of your organisation



T?he document below comprises summaries of:

  1. ?The Unexamined Truth - The Baring Foundation
  2. Shaping the Future - Third Sector Task Force on Climate Change
  3. Evaluation on Greening the Sector - City Bridge Trust
  4. London's Changing climate: in sickness & health - London Climate Change Partnership

?Climate change research summaries


Page modified? May 2013