
HEAR research

HEAR invitation to contribute to research on intersectionality and multiple discrimination.

HEAR has been working on aspects of inequality, disadvantage, discrimination and barriers to accessing services that particularly impact on Londoners who are vulnerable to multiple forms of discrimination. For example, the experiences of deaf or disabled refugees and asylum seekers, disabled people in faith communities.

Other examples might be: older people in the LGBT community, transgender people from ethnic minority backgrounds, the experience of pregnancy in refugee communities. There are many, many more instances where people face additional and complex barriers.

HEAR is carrying out research and wants to capture individual experiences and those of organisations and groups in London.

HEAR would like to invite you to contribute to this research. If you are an organisation working with disadvantaged people in London you can contribute in a variety of ways, including contributing a case study, collecting the views of your  beneficiaries or reporting on current policy issues affecting the people you work with.

HEAR has some funding to enable you to contribute and highlight  what is important for your organisation and the people you work with.

HEAR will work with contributors to take forward the issues highlighted and  build them into future activities through HEAR Network and the London for All project.

If you would like to know more or register your interest please get in touch with the HEAR Coordinator Christine Goodall: