The Way Ahead

The Way Ahead - Civil Society at the Heart of London

The report, 'The Way Ahead - Civil Society at the Heart of London', funded by City Bridge Trust and produced in partnership with ourselves and Greater London Volunteering, is the first to look at civil society support - or infrastructure - since the days of ChangeUp and the London Infrastructure Development Plan. It contains a number of key recommendations.

At the heart of the report is the idea of pragmatic co-production - putting London's communities and their needs at the heart of all services provided by the voluntary and community sector, with all partners - be they from the public, private or VCSE sectors, and beyond - working together to develop the support the providers of these services need, from an older people's organisation providing befriending volunteers to an organisation campaigning and lobbying on the rights of newly arrived refugees.  This support can be delivered at a hyper-local, borough, sub-regional or regional level, dependant on what makes the best fit.

The full report, executive summary, literature review and briefing on pragmatic co-production can be found on The London Funders website.

Five key areas are now being worked on: data collection and sharing; triage and connect; co-production; consistent commissioning and funding; and voice and campaigning.  It is also recommended that a London Hub be established to work with specialist support to drive up quality across the sector and produce standard resources, which can be customized for local delivery.

In September 2016 LVSC commissioned Steve Wyler to look at options for a London Hub and his report was published on 2 April 2017.  LVSC and GLV are now working together on the recommendations for a London Hub.

The Way Ahead - Establishing a London Hub