
Training & events

This page outlines the project most recent event reports and webinar presentation.

Developing joint approaches & practical action to tackle energy costs and fuel poverty in London

This event took place on 31st July 2014 from 5 pm - 7 pm followed by networking, drinks and nibbles. About 25 participants took part

This interactive workshop was an LVSC Climate Change Leaders for a Low Carbon London initiative

This workshop aimed to bring together voluntary & community sector organisations, networks, local authorities, energy groups, community energy groups, housing associations, private tenants groups, campaign & policy organisations and policy makers to:

Background information:

Background information


Final report:

Joint Approaches and action to fuel poverty

Chris Church's presentation on tackling fuel poverty: Towards integrated approaches in London boroughs is available to download here

Towards Integrated Approaches in London


An example of joint approaches to tackle fuel poverty by Age UK Hillingdon

Get Ready for Winter

A case study by Southern Housing Group

SHG fuel poverty and energy initiative

For more information contact Sandra van der Feen


Webinars on spiralling energy bills: identifying residents in fuel poverty - May 2014

Three webinars were organised in partnership with LCRn and Energise London

The main presentation:

Identifying residents in fuel poverty


New approaches to fuel poverty - towards integrated approaches to health, energy and social justice

This event took place on December the 10th 2013 and was attending by about 70 organisations representing the voluntary & community sector, housing associations, local authorities and NHS England.

LVSC held this event as part of its Climate Change Leaders for a Low Carbon London project funded by City Bridge Trust. It was agreed to hold an event to explore how fuel poverty can be tackled more effectively using integrated approaches on health, energy, social justice and climate chance.

The aims/objectives of the event were to:

  • This event will seek to bring together organisations that work to tackle fuel poverty with social housing landlords, local authorities, public health agencies, community and residents associations, environmental organisations, energy companies, academics and government bodies to identify:
  • Key policy measures and related issues needed to help develop more effective integration of work on fuel poverty, health, energy and climate change
  • Actions to improve the working practices of service providers, including housing associations by joining up fuel poverty work and energy saving measures.
  • Best ways to influence policy makers at a local, regional and national level to ensure that energy policies and fuel poverty alleviation practices are joined up.
  • Effective ways to initiate projects and programmes on fuel poverty, energy saving, community energy and local sustainability
  • Strategies and programmes to engage and affect behaviour change amongst Londoners and service providers
  • Processes to enable future joint working


The event sought the following outcomes

  1. Improved awareness and understanding how energy and climate issues link to work on poverty, health and social justice
  2. Service providers and policy makers have a better understanding how they can alleviate fuel poverty and help eliminate fuel poverty by addressing both climate, energy issues and fuel poverty
  3. Improved networking between organisations in all sectors that work and campaign to alleviate fuel poverty

The event report is now available. You can also download the presentations and workshops below

Integrated approaches to fuel poverty report

Participating organisations

Chris Church, seminar Chair and CEO of Community Environment Associates

Intro to integrated approaches to fuel poverty


Jenny Saunders, OBE, National Energy Action and member of the Governments' Fuel Poverty Advisory Group:

Local and national policy and action


Mary Milne, Senior Campaigns Officer, Age UK:An issue for older people


Christina Marriott: Senior Manager for Addressing Health Inequalities Policy Directorate NHS England:Health Inequalities & fuel poverty


Agamemnon Otero, CEO Repowering London:



Murad Qureshi AM, London-wide Assembly Member: Effective and integrated action on fuel poverty across London


Jane Landon, Director of Policy & Deputy CEO,UK Health Forum:Action on fuel poverty & cold homes in London Jane's presentation also includes information about their up and coming fuel poverty & health toolkit bundle


Martyn Williams, Head of Parliamentary Campaigns, Energy Bill Revolution:

The policy agenda - towards a national fuel poverty programme


Workshop notes:

Developing local fuel poverty alliances - integrating work on health and energy: Community Environment Associates

Fuel poverty alliancesSee also slides from Chris Church above

Partnership working: Repowering London

Partnership working


Developing advice work on fuel poverty and energy - lessons from Haringey: Living under One Sun

Developing advice work


From the event feedback, participants stated they would take action following the event

Participants action


You can also contact Sandra van der Feen: for more information



"How the London Assembly Health & Environment Works" event

This event took place on 6th March 2013.

The event was organised by LVSC, in partnership with the London Assembly's Health and Environment Committee. It took place at City Hall and discussed ways to best influence and lobby on London's health and environmental issues, including fuel poverty and air quality and the impact on public health and local communities at a London-wide level.

The key objectives were:

  • Provide an overview and better understanding of the relationship between health and the environment and how those agendas might be influenced in London
  • Provide a greater understanding of how the Committee works, including current and developing engagement processes Increase awareness of the London Mayor's environmental strategies and their impact on related health and inequalities strategies.
  • Increase awareness of the benefits to Londoners of a single Environment Strategy as required by the Localism Act

The speakers

  • Murad Qureshi, Chair of the Health and Environment Committee
  • Victoria Borwick, Deputy Mayor of London
  • Matthew Pencharz, Environment and Policy Advisor to the Mayor (TBC)
  • Samantha Heath, London Sustainability Exchange Interactive
  • Chris Church, Chair of the Low Carbon Communities' Network


Speaker presentations:

Victoria Borwick

Matthew Pencharz

Murad Qureshi

Chris Church

Sam Heath


The event report

Health & Environment report



Page modified September 2014