LVSC currently hosts five pan-London networks. Free to memebers these networks support community and voluntary secor to:
- be better informed of the policies and strategies which impact on their orgaisations and the people they support
- have a stronger voice and greater influence on decision makers
- share learning, experience and resources
- develop collaborative partnerships to enable more effective service delivery
London Voluntary Sector Forum (LVSF)
LVSF is one of two networks making up the peer learning component of LVSC's London Councils' funded 'London for All' partnership project.
Membership of LVSF includes pan-London and cross-borough voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations as well as borough level infrastructure organisations.The forum:
- works to identify and campaign on key cross cutting priorities for VCS organisations and the people they work with
- offers a space for members to share good practice and identify areas of common concern and opportunities for joint working
- works closely with London Councils on commissioning processes and priorities and the value of the London Boroughs Grants Scheme networking,
For further information about the network and how to get involved contact Matt Scott, Policy and Project Manager (Sector Support)
London CVS Directors' Network
Also delivered though the 'London for All' project, this forum is where London Councils for Voluntary Service directors come together to learn from each other, share information and intelligence and discuss issues linking the local with the regional.
For further information about the network contact Lisa Redding, Acting Chief Executive
This network is open to all voluntary and community sector organisations with an interest in London employment and skills policy issues.
Members of the LESPN receive monthly e-bulletins, invitations to events and training that allow them to meet policy makers and other employment and skills providers (including those from the private sector)
For further information on the network and how to get involved please contact Jonathan Slater, Policy and Project Manager (Employment and Skills)
Open to all voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) organisations with an interest in criminal justice, crime prevention and community safety. This network aims to profvide a formal engagement mechanism between London's VCSE sector and the Mayor's Office for Police and Crime, as well as other regional agencies working in the criminal justice system.
For further information on the network and how to get involved please contact Ade Fashade, Policy and Project Manager (Safer Future Communities)
Our Health networks are open to all organisations with an interest in health and social care in London.
Members of our health networks will receive information on our work focussing on:
- Mapping Social prescribing in London (see our health policy, consultations, events and resources page)
Liaising with Health Devolution programme re VCSE engagement and co-production
Monthly e-bulletins
Case studies, toolkits relating to social prescribing, health devo where relevant
For further information and how to get involved please contact Sandra Van der Freen, Policy Officer (Health)