Safer Future Communities London

Safer Future Communities (SFC) is a network of around 500 VCSE organisations who work with those in London affected by the criminal justice system or violence against women.


Originally introduced when PCC's came in in 2012, MOPAC have retained a SFC coordinator as a conduit between you in the VCSE and MOPAC officers, particularly to share information and best practice around commissioning.


Our members are exceedingly diverse and mostly comprise of small and medium, often grassroots, organisations with a few national, larger charities in the mix. Within the SFC family are four distinct workstreams and an overarching interest in health in justice. These are:


  1. Victim's and Witnesses
  2. Reducing Reoffending (MOPAC 2016 priorities: women affected by the CJS, Gripping the Offender, 16-21 transition cohort)
  3. Gangs and Serious Youth Violence
  4. Violence Against Women and Girls


The first three of these have quarterly subgroups that meet. If you are interested in attending or joining the wider SFC network or one of the subgroups, please email Ade.


Alongside this we try and stay abreast of local and national policy developments, passing them onto to our member organisations or to policy makers and commissioners as relevant. We sit on a variety of statutory boards and liaise with key stakeholders across the CJS to advocate on behalf of the excellent, expert VCSE sector and the amazing work you do across London.


We run training and capacity building workshops across the year and are always looking for ways to build, connect and strengthen the sector. We issue a monthly e-bulletin with relevant, digestible CJS news, funding opportunities and events, as well as ad hoc communications around specific tenders.


If we do our job well, we know all the things about all the criminal justice things affecting Londoners. And then we let the right people know about them. We love hearing from our members, being asked to visit projects and conversations on social justice. We are passionate about co-production models of delivery and commissioning and do all we can to encourage input into these by experts by experience and service delivery partners.


You may've come across our friends Clinks, who do similar work to us but on a national scale.


Join us! We'd love to hear from you.

CONSULTATION Police and Crime Plan 2017- 21

Our Responses

London Voluntary Service Council and Clinks response to the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) Police and Crime Plan consultation

LVSC and Clinks response