Social Prescribing in London

Social Prescribing in London

What is social prescribing?

Social prescribing involves empowering individuals to improve their health and wellbeing and social welfare by connecting them to non-medical and community support services. It is an innovative and growing movement, with the potential to reduce the financial burden on the NHS and particularly on primary care (National Social Prescribing Network).

A broad definition can also be found on the OPM website


London social prescribing map

The map has been regularly updated since 2015. The most recentl map has been updated in march 2017. As there is currently no funding to continue this project, please contact Lisa Redding, if you would like your project updated: (Mon-Thu).

We are also looking to input into a social prescribing toolkit about to be developed by the National Social Prescribing Network. The toolkit will be aimed at organisations that want to set up a social prescribing project and are looking for sample JDs, partnership agreements, costs, etc.

London Social Prescribing map March 2017 update

London Social prescribing learning briefing

We have also produced our social prescrbing learning briefing, outlining the benefits of the projects and lessons learned. It also includes a section on SP project funding, sustainability and kinds of host organisations.

Social Prescribing learning briefing


Useful links

  • National Social Prescribing Network. The University of Westminster and the College of Medicine have launched the Social Prescribing Network, a forum which brings together for the first time healthcare professionals, voluntary and community sector professionals, commissioners, policy makers and patients.
  • Social Prescribing - A Review of Community Referral Schemes - UCL
  • More than Medicine - new services for people powered health - Nesta
  • Social Prescribing & Supported Self Management: A toolkit to build capacity in local communities & service system
  • Evidence to inform the commissioning of social prescribing - University of York
  • Analysis: What does social prescribing mean for GPs - GPonline


Page modified March 2017